Equities as an asset class provide you the dual advantage of protecting your wealth from inflation along with enhancing your purchasing power. The key to successful equity investments lies in investing with a long-term perspective and keeping away from day-to-day uncertainties. Historical Data proves that equity as an asset class has performed better than any other asset class over the years.
Derivatives do away with the need to invest a large amount of capital upfront and allowing you to benefit from market movements. This gives you greater liquidity than most other assets. They are an excellent avenue to help you leverage on anticipated market movements and an effective tool to hedge your risks, speculate and earn returns in a relatively shorter duration.
Commodity trading brings a basket full of diverse avenues for investment, away from the traditional avenues of equity, bonds and real estate. Based on the historical data, adding commodities exposure to your existing portfolio helps you increase the returns while lowering the risk. Commodities have very little or negative correlation with other asset classes
A market that attracts about $5.2 trillion in daily volume, recognized as world 's largest market, accessible globally 24 hours a day - that is exactly what the Currency market is made up of! The advantage of small margin requirements and lower entry barriers makes it an important part of a retail investor 's portfolio. What 's more, you can trade in currencies through your existing equity account.
Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management Service offers professional management of your investments with an aim to deliver consistent returns. It relieves you from all monitoring hassles with benefits like regular reviews, strong risk management flexibility and makes it an ideal investment avenue for high net worth investors
The primary market provides investor 's opportunities to buy shares at a reasonable price prior to its listing price. Additionally retail investors also enjoy discounted rates while applying for IPO 's. Holding on to the shares also provide an opportunity to participate in the future success of these companies.
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Portfolio Management Services
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Debt products are low risk and reasonably safe and consistent investment options. It 's a preferred option for investors seeking fixed regular income with liquidity.
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